Man killed by cattle while walking dog in Dutch nature reserve

The cause of the stampede is unclear

On August 10, a man died while hiking in a nature reserve near Spaubeek, Limburg. He was trampled by a herd of cattle. 

The 67-year-old was walking his dog through a pasture area of the Vrouwenbos reserve that had only recently opened to the public, a witness tells NOS

A fatal stampede

According to the witness, the cows only became violent when the hiker’s dog lunged at them.

They stampeded towards the man, running him over. Unfortunately, all resuscitation efforts failed. 

No investigation

Since the tragic incident did not involve any criminal offences, the police will not be conducting a further investigation. 

The exact circumstances of the incident remain unclear. 

One theory is that the cows became protective over their calves. Another is that they simply weren’t used to visitors yet. 

Whatever the reason, the incident exposed a safety hazard, and the Beek municipality has closed the reserve for the time being. 

Do you think the reserve should close permanently? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Feature Image:Dreamstime
Beatrice Scali
Beatrice Scali
Five years after spreading her wings away from her beloved Genova, Bia has just landed at DutchReview as an editorial intern. She has lived in China, Slovenia, Taiwan, and — natuurlijk — the Netherlands, where she just completed her bachelor’s in International Studies. When she’s not reciting unsolicited facts about the countries she’s lived in, she is writing them down. Her biggest dreams include lobbying the Dutch government into forcing oliebollen stands to operate year-round, and becoming a journalist. In this order.


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