Power outage in Brabant: no trains around Tilburg!

In Central Brabant, a large chunk of the area is suffering from a power outage. Around 100,000 homes are said to be affected.

People have taken to Twitter to complain about not having power after 8 am this morning, from areas such as Tilburg, Kaatsheuvel, Moergestel and Gilze.

No trains, traffic lights or Efteling

It’s not advisable to drive around the Tilburg area as none of the traffic lights are working (chaos) and no trains are departing or arriving at Tilburg Station.

Also, if you are thinking of going to Efteling this morning, think again. Efteling has told customers not to come, as the power outage has caused a malfunction and of course, no rides would work without power.



When will it be fixed?

Well, currently the problem is that transformers have failed and the issue lies with national grid operator Tennet. They are unsure just how many transformers have failed until they go around and try and fix the problem – so it could be some time yet.

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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