Dethroned! UvA is no longer the top university in the Netherlands

Take that, Amsterdam! You have all the fame, the tourists, and the global recognition. Now it’s time you leave some for the rest of us. 💅 

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) dropped down to second place in the Dutch university rankings. This is according to the latest QS MBA University World Rankings.

Using criteria such as academic reputation, employer reputation, international student ratio, employment outcomes, and sustainability, universities are given a score out of 100 and then ranked according to these. 

UvA’s overall score is now 73.4, with the new number-one Dutch university boasting a score of 76.2.

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So, can you guess which university is now the best in the Netherlands? No cheating! Ok, drum roll, please. 🥁

It’s the Delft University of Technology! Not only that, but this little academic gem is ranked the 54th-best university in the world.

Highs and lows

The university has been on a somewhat steady rise since 2012, but from 2020-2023 it was consistently declining in its ranking. Now, it’s made everyone eat their words, rising a whole 14 rankings in one year!

This is a big win for the city overall. While Amsterdam was distracted by legalising cannabis and getting unlimited booze, Delft was hitting the books — and it paid off. 💪

READ MORE | TU Delft students unveil super efficient (and stylish) hydrogen-powered car

Graduation caps off to the university. Now, get back to studying, these universities aren’t gonna rank themselves! 

How does your university rank? Tell us in the comments!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Julia de Oliveira Moritz
Julia de Oliveira Moritz
Júlia was born in Brazil, but she’s been away for more than half her life. At five years old, she moved to Nigeria, and at 14, she came to the Netherlands. She came for her education and stayed for… something. She’s not sure if that something is the vibrant springtime or the live music bars. All she knows is that this is her new home, at least for now.



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