Can we ice-skate on the canals this weekend?

So, fellow Dutchies are after a nostalgic ice-skating experience once more. Back when seasons were actually seasons and not just pure rain. We all long for the days that we can ice-skate to work again and blame our lateness on the bad skating congestion. (If you haven’t heard about that theory, then where have you been!?) My ability to be able to ice-skate from Rotterdam to Leiden to go to work will be the epitome of my life in NL.

ice skating
Will we ever see this again?

It’s been a long time coming since Elfstedentocht (Eleven Cities Tour) and we shattered your dreams when we posted an article yesterday about Elfstedentocht and why it may never happen again. Now you’ve got over that horrendous prediction and wiped your tears away, we don’t think it’s impossible to NEVER be able to skate again. Canals are still on the cards for some places, so before you frantically sell your ice-skates on Marktplaats, listen up.

More ice-skating updates:

So all we’ve been banging on about on DutchReview recently is the cold weather. We all know you looooovvvvveee talking about the weather! As the weeks have gone by, we have watched the weather get colder and colder and every week we hope that it’s going to be cold enough this time to skate. With the crazy record temperatures and windchills of -17, lets discuss once more whether skating is on the cards. We say it COULD happen this weekend (but don’t hold your breath).

It’s been so long, do you even remember how to skate!?

I’m getting bored now DutchReview, can I skate or not?

Aye, aye, we don’t control the weather here from our office (if we did, I’d grant your wishes). In short: it’s looking unlikely but not impossible. It’s hard to give a yes or no answer, as the weather is always so unpredictable.

However we bring you some good news. Amsterdam’s water authority, Waternet is trying its hardest to make it possible within the city. Currently, due to the flow of water, the layer of ice is too thin to skate on. They have closed the pumping stations, so water flows a lot more slowly. Therefore this  gives the canals the ability to freeze much better. This is going to mean that the ice is going to build up a lot faster now. So, if you want to skate, better keep checking back and seeing if Amsterdam is the place to be.

                         What absolute legends 😉

Let’s get talking about how much you loved ice-skating here. Share with us your most favourite memory of ice-skating in the Netherlands in the comments! A pic would even be nice 😉 

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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