Commotion at the Piet Hein tunnel as misguided tourists cycle right through it

Yesterday evening there was a commotion at the Piet Hein tunnel, when misguided tourists cycled right through it because Apple navigation told them to. The police were on the scene straight away. Here is the full story to an event that could have ended tragically.

What do you mean they were misguided tourists?

According to the report from AT5, the tourists were taking a cycling trip to Blijburg. Everything was fine and dandy, until their Apple GPS told them to go through a tunnel. According to one of the tourists they all thought it was quite not right and also dangerous, but decided to still go through with it. Because, you know, why would you follow your own logic and human instincts when you have a smart phone telling you what to do.

In the end authorities were called, and police arrived at the scene within minutes. The tourists, who were just as equally furious about the situation, blamed Apple straight away. But the Dutch police officers were having none of it, asking the misguided tourists if they have brains of their own.

Was Apple really at fault for the misguided tourists?

Apparently, the accusations against Apple’s GPS system are in fact true. According to reports, Apple’s Maps send both cyclists and pedestrians right through the Piet Hein tunnel. At the moment, Apple’s communications department is unreachable for a response.

Nonetheless, we are all very happy that this story had a happy, yet confusing ending. And most importantly no one got hurt. But let this be a lesson to us all – do not go against your better judgement, even if the smart brick in your hand tells you otherwise.

What is your opinion on this whole crazy story? Would you have cycled through the tunnel if your phone told you to? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured picture: Youtube/AT5

Veronika Licheva
Veronika Licheva
Living the short girl life in the land of giants. Veronika is a content creator who takes great interest in video, photography, and journalism. Her mission in The Netherlands is to build a vibrant and exciting career, while simultaneously petting as many dogs as possible.


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