You can still vote in the European Elections in the Netherlands if you’re British and you’ve left the EU

If you’re British and want to vote in the European Elections next month, then you’re in luck. If the UK leaves before the elections on the 23rd of May, you will still be able to vote. 

Now you’re probably thinking, but how? Well, if you request to vote for a Dutch candidate and vote here in the Netherlands, then you’ll be able to vote. If you request to vote in the UK and then the UK leaves the EU, then you won’t be able to vote as you candidate won’t be running any more. Therefore, if you return this form by the 9th of April, then you can continue voting.



The Election Act means that applications are valid on the basis on when they were submitted. So, if you’ve requested to vote and you’re currently in the EU, then if you’ve left by the time voting comes around then that won’t have any effect on it. Brexit is no exception in this case – so start prepping now!

Brexit: What now?

The British parliament is still divided on what it wants, leaving a no-deal Brexit more and more of a possibility. The UK was meant to go out of the EU on the 29th of March, but it was extended until the 12th of April. However, not much has changed.

The British Prime Minister, Theresa May really wants her Brexit deal to pass through parliament, even though it’s been rejected many times now. Voting on Brexit options in parliament left no clear majority and it feels like we’re all just going round and round in circles. Yet again, time is running out. The EU has already said that another extension will only be possible if we have a clear reason to extend it (like holding a new referendum, deciding on a new deal or holding a general election). What comes next, no one knows.

Any thoughts? Will you be voting? Let us know in the comments!

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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