Imagine this scenario: a lost dolphin finds its way to a beach you’re swimming in. Do you help it find its course? Well, this lady had other plans. 🤦♀️
After the long-beaked dolphin suddenly started swimming between people at the beach in Zandvoort, many tried to help it by leading it back into the sea. 🐬
Yet, once it started heading back into deeper waters, a woman grabbed the animal and tried climbing on its back. 🙄
Gestoorde vrouw klimt in Zandvoort op spitsneusdolfijn, terwijl de dolfijn eerder door anderen teruggeduwd werd in de zee. Het dier had daar door kunnen overlijden.— MyCupsOfCoffee (@Mycupsofcoffee) July 20, 2022
In the video, Dutch bystanders criticised the woman and told her to “doe normaal” (act normal!), so she could stop whatever she was trying to do.
Reported to the police
Since then, the woman has reported herself to the police, who will determine whether or not she’s committed a criminal offence.
The police have opened an investigation and explained that they will talk with her about what happened, reports RTL Nieuws.
Dolphins shouldn’t be in the North Sea
SOS Dolfijn — a rescue organisation — called the dolphin’s presence very disturbing. They don’t survive well in these environments and can easily strand themselves in the shallows.
Annemarie van den Berg at SOS Dolfijn told RTL Nieuws, “If they end up in the North Sea, they get into trouble. These animals do not survive well in these types of waters. They look for food at a depth of two to three kilometres.”
How do you feel about the woman’s behaviour? A simple joke or a dumb mistake? Tell us in the comments below!
Shameful! Nowadays people watching social media tik tok instagram and others makes people want to do stupid things for a dare or a laugh. This behaviour is unacceptable. Dolphin is a wild animal You would not try to ride other wild animals.
This happened in Texas this April. People rode and tortured a sick dolphin to death before animal rescue could get there to save it. I hope she doesn’t reproduce and pass on her selfish ignorance.
I was going to mention the incident in Texas. That dolphin actually drowned, as people didn’t seem to be aware that they are air breathing mammals. Even if this one didn’t suffer the same fate, people should avoid molesting them.