It’s official, this Dutch city has the most beautiful wall mural in the WORLD

What’s so special about a recycling facility in Tilburg? Oh, just the fact that it’s got the most beautiful wall mural in the world. Ja hoor, the world. 🙌

The title has been awarded by Street Art Cities, which launched a vote among the street art community — the result? “Trashure” proved to be the treasure.

Named “Trashure” in a clever play on the words “treasure” and “trash” by its creators Kaspar van Leek and Niels van Swaeman of Studio Giftig, the mural is a photorealistic image of a woman.

Stunning and topical? We love it!

The woman wears a dress made of recycled paper bags and plastic sheets, with a necklace of measuring spoons encircling her neck.

READ MORE | Magical murals of Tilburg: discovering street art of 013

According to the artists, these are all materials that the recycling plant, CvB Ecologistics, regularly receives.

Leaping into the air in a kind of superheroine stance, the woman also holds a ball of fabric or plastic sheets that emits a bright, glowing light. Trees and a hilly ridge are silhouetted in the background.

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The artists explain that the glowing globe depicts recycling as the answer we need in times of environmental crisis.

What do you think of “Trashure”? Tell us all about it in the comments below!

Liana Pereira 🇱🇰
Liana Pereira 🇱🇰
Liana juggles her role as an Editor with wrapping up a degree in cognitive linguistics and assisting with DutchReview's affiliate portfolio. Since arriving in the Netherlands for her studies in 2018, she's thrilled to have the 'write' opportunity to help other internationals feel more at home here — whether that's by penning an article on the best SIMs to buy in NL, the latest banking features, or important things to know about Dutch health insurance.


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