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Articles by
Aisha Brown
Aisha is an aspiring poet and author from Luton, England. She became a “Lovepat”, following her (not even Dutch), partner to the Netherlands. She now calls the beautifully underrated town of Hoorn home. When she's not falling off her bicycle or hunting down trousers for her petite frame, you'll find her in a vegan haunt, drinking Earl Grey tea, or musing museums. This British-born wanderer hopes to call the Netherlands home.
Life as a lovepat in the Netherlands: 5 things I took for granted
It's been a few years since I moved as a lovepat to the Netherlands, and, boy, it's...
5 Dutch nature reserves to stretch your legs and enjoy the sights
Allow us to take your hand and drag you into the beautiful nature reserves of the Netherlands.
6 outdoor sports to try this summer in the Netherlands
As the sport halls, hockey fields and gyms begin to reopen some of us may be wondering...
What is the Dutch holiday allowance — and how do you get the cash?
If you are employed in the Netherlands then you are required to contribute a portion of your...
Travelling with pets from the Netherlands to the UK post-Brexit
Did you make the bold decision to purchase (or even better, rescue) a pet since living in...
What the Dickens? Experiencing the Deventer Dickens Festival
For all expats, book lovers and hardcore Brits out there, forget the hustle and bustle of the...