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Articles by
Carmen Monge
After moving 5 times between continents, this Costa Rican blogger ended up falling in love with Dutch life. She is ready to share her passion for everything eatable, walkable and enjoyable between canals and windmills. She spends her days reading reviews, missing tropical weather, mastering travel budges and marking spots on google maps. She tries to experience how the locals live by eating local food and hiking around.
7 breathtaking places to hike in the Netherlands this winter
Winter is finally in here, which means Netflix, hot chocolate, and every reason to stay inside (yeah,...
Hiking in the Netherlands: 4 myths, busted
The Netherlands is renowned for being flat, full of cows, and honestly not that exciting for hikers....
12 things the Netherlands and Costa Rica have in common
The Netherlands and Costa where? But isn't Costa Rica a jungle or an island? There is nothing...
6 concerns for expats in the Netherlands during coronavirus — and how to handle them
Living in another country can be an amazing but challenging experience. Living in a country during a...
7 must-have foods at Dutch Christmas markets
The air is cold, the streets are decorated, and the magical Christmas markets have finally arrived. We're...