πŸ‡³πŸ‡± Want to learn Dutch? Fantastisch! Take the first step and find a Dutch language school


5 things to do on King’s Day to celebrate the Dutch way

It’s almost that time of year again: King’s Day. 🧑 The day to party, drink, buy and...

Dutch Quirk #73: Not have any mountains…or hills…or bumps

As the Dutch saying goes: β€œGod may have created the earth, but the Dutch created the Netherlands.”...

11 gross things Dutch people do

All humans have a tendency to be quite revolting sometimes β€” but we’re only here to point...

14 downright stingy things Dutch people do

Lovable as the Dutch are, it won’t come as a surprise to anyone that they have a...

I share an apartment with almost 30 internationals: here’s what it’s like

Ah, the difficulties of finding housing in the Netherlands. I was relieved to finally land a room...

Are the tulip fields in the Netherlands blooming?

Did you hear the news? It's officially tulip season here in the Netherlands! And we're here to...

Does the Netherlands have Daylight Saving Time?

The tricky thing about the time in the Netherlands is that it's always changing β€” or at...

Skateparks in the Netherlands: skating in Amsterdam and beyond

Hi there, skater! Are you looking to go skateboarding in the Netherlands but don't know where to...