Articles by

Cara Räker 🇩🇪

Cara moved to the Netherlands at fifteen and she is here to stay! After all, there is so much to love about it, except maybe the bread (as every German will tell you). Next to finishing up her bachelor's degree in European politics (dry), Cara loves to do yoga, swim, and cook delicious veggie food.

9 classy Amsterdam coffeeshops (that even your mum will love)

Is your mum coming to visit and she wants to smoke weed in Amsterdam for the first...

Dutch Quirk #120: Struggle with their colonial past

Here's something the Dutch don't like to talk about: for a brief stretch of time in the...

Dutch Quirk #125: Throw bikes into canals (usually while drunk)

Canals, bikes, and drinking are three essential pillars of Dutch living. But if you combine the three...'s...

Dutch Quirk #56: Have a liberal attitude towards party drugs

Here's an open secret: taking designer drugs at parties or festivals is common practice in the Netherlands....

Cycling like a Dutchie? First, you have to pass their bike exam!

We all know that the Dutch love their bikes, and they love cycling. However, we were a...

Dutch Quirk 11: Eat hagelslag (chocolate sprinkles) for breakfast

The entire world eats Nutella on toast for breakfast. Except for the Dutch. They open a box...

Dutch Quirk #45: Pee in the canals when drunk — and fall in

We all know that the Dutch have many problems — there's only taking paracetamol as a cure-it-all,...

Dutch Quirk #118: Not actually wear clogs (despite what the world thinks)

Oh, Dutch stereotypes — there's tulips, weed, an obsession with orange, and, well, clogs. Only the Dutch...