
Fairtrade in the Netherlands: how can you get involved?

The annual figures of Fairtrade Netherlands show that Dutch folks are increasingly buying "fair products". Sales of...

Rising sea levels in the Netherlands: the Dutch battle against flooding

The past few years have seen various tropical storms batter the coastlines of many countries throughout the...

4 ways the Netherlands is an underrated gamer’s paradise

The global video game industry grossed over one hundred and thirty-nine billion euros in 2020 — a...

The life of the slaves in the Dutch colonies

On July 1, 1863, the Netherlands abolished slavery in Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles. In the Netherlands,...

Gay conversion therapy in the Netherlands: yup, it’s still a thing

Despite the Netherlands being known for its liberal and accepting culture, unfortunately, there are still remnants of...

How the pandemic pushed sex workers into the shadows

When it comes to progressive attitudes around sex, Amsterdam shines as the forerunner of tolerance and pride....

It takes a village: Dutch community initiative helps raise children

Since corona hit our shores, I became painfully aware of our small expatriate family's isolation, without extended...

Book swapping in the Netherlands: how you can read, save money, and recycle

Take a book, leave a book! Whilst the “little free library” tradition originated in the US, the...