HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

1.000.000 people in Amsterdam – All because of you expats moving to Amsterdam

Despite the many problems that Amsterdam presents, with its mess of a housing market, the exorbitantly high...

PSD2 is here, and we have mixed feelings

There has been new legislation passed called the PSD2, or the Revised Payment Service Directive, where banks...

The government screwed up your energy bill estimates

You must have got your new energy bill estimates for this year, showing you that your estimates...

The Warmest 16th of February ever – is Spring coming early this year?

It was already the first official day of spring for the year in the Netherlands on Sunday!...

Gay men couldn’t donate blood in the Netherlands?

There was a policy passed in February 2019 that gay men can donate blood if they have...

Life is good! Find out which four Dutch cities are part of the top 20 for expats

Do you love living in the Netherlands? Well, apparently you do. ECA International (ECA) has ranked four Dutch cities...

Illegal subletting in Amsterdam getting out of control

Newsflash! (not really) The Amsterdam housing market is ridden with housing fraud and illegal subletting. It is...

Free rental sector in the Netherlands is a mess (but what’s the solution?!)

The many tales of the housing crisis in the Netherlands never ends. This has been an ongoing crisis leading...