HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

6 Ways to Find the Best Internet Provider in The Netherlands

How to find the best internet provider in the Netherlands Finding the best internet provider in the Netherlands...

8 huge differences between the Netherlands and Australia

There are multiple differences between The Netherlands and Australia that might come in handy at the weirdest...

RIVM: Many could die from cervical cancer after skipping vaccination in the Netherlands

HPV vaccination in the Netherlands Less than half (46%) of the 12- and 13-year-old girls invited last year...

Foreign students feel excluded when studying in the Netherlands

A survey conducted by the National Student Union (LSVb), Interstedelijk Studentenoverleg (ISO) and European Student Network, claims...

Saving money in the Netherlands: 5 Ways to Save Money Like the Dutch

The Dutch are quite famous for being frugal or should I say stingy? They are the pros...

Dental costs and dental insurance in the Netherlands: 5 questions you might have

Dental costs and dental insurance in the Netherlands: 5 questions you might have when it comes to paying...

Going to study in the Netherlands? Here are 5 Things You Need to Know

Aside from the fact that everyone here speaks fluent English, there are also other reasons why you...

“More International Students in the Netherlands not a big Problem”

Good news for those reading this in a foreign country with aspirations to study in the Netherlands! The...