HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

How to speak Dutch in seven words or less

Do you want to learn how to speak Dutch but can't wrap your head around the scratchy...

New to the Netherlands? 8 reasons why bunq is the ideal bank for internationals

So you just moved to the Netherlands, and you need to sort out your finances. Picking and...

7 questions about buying a house in the Netherlands, answered by a mortgage expert

Are you thinking about buying a house in the Netherlands? As an expat, buying a Dutch house...

17 reasons why biking is king in the Netherlands

The Dutch and their bikes go together better than peanut butter and jelly — but how did...

How to fake your way into speaking Dutch (in 5 steps)

For most Dutch learners, speaking Dutch in the Netherlands — especially in the Randstad area of Amsterdam,...

Unlimited calling to 44 countries? LEBARA’s SIM-only package makes it possible

Picture this: You’re sitting in a cosy Amsterdam café when your phone buzzes. It's a friend from...

The best tips to learn Dutch: my experience of grasping the language

Does Dutch seem like a nightmare of a language to you? Then our tips on how to...

Moving to the Netherlands: all you need to know

So you’re thinking of taking the leap and moving to the Netherlands? Congrats! Whether you're relocating for...