HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

Why all drugs should be decriminalised in the Netherlands

While drugs such as cannabis are decriminalised in the Netherlands, when it comes to policy surrounding hard...

Fairtrade in the Netherlands: how can you get involved?

The annual figures of Fairtrade Netherlands show that Dutch folks are increasingly buying "fair products". Sales of...

Why you should learn Dutch (and how to get Dutchies to speak it with you!)

Like many internationals in the Netherlands, you’ve likely become comfortable with speaking English — we’re all guilty...

Doing your inburgeringsexamen? The language requirement will stay at A2 for now

The Dutch government's plan to raise the language requirement for the inburgeringsexamen to B1 level has been...

How to register a birth in the Netherlands

You've got a precious bundle of joy on the way (or maybe it's already arrived!). Either way,...

Gemeentes: what are Dutch municipalities and how do they work?

Every once in a while, we all get letters from the almighty, all-knowing, and all-seeing gemeente. It...

Moving to Amsterdam: the ultimate guide

Whether it’s for work, love, education, or simply a new adventure, if you’re considering moving to Amsterdam,...

Studying in the Netherlands: the ultimate guide

Studying in the Netherlands is a popular choice for many international students thanks to the large number...