

Euthanasia in the Netherlands: Who gets to choose to die (and when) in The Netherlands?

Euthanasia in the Netherlands: what's the deal with assisted suicide and what else you need to know... The...

4 unique alcoholic drinks to try in the Netherlands (after finishing that biertje)

Looking for a tasty Dutch drink? Maybe you are happy that the sun is shining or a...

Dutch Infrastructure: Why We Should Be Thankful for It

It’s now been about a month since I packed my bags and left Rotterdam, Holland’s ‘Manhattan on...

There’s still plenty to do in Scheveningen in the fall!

So you're sitting in your rented home in Amsterdam wondering what to do with yourself. It's fall...

Mestreechs Immersion: But what exactly is Mestreechs?

Dialect? Regional Language? Does it matter? As I wrapped up my yet another session of immersive Dutch courses...

Dutch Kids These Days… (are actually quite upright)

How Dutch kids are actually not that much into drinking, smoking and drugs “Kids these days…” Whenever you hear...

5 things to enjoy during autumn in Amsterdam

All right, summer is officially over. No more endless terrace sessions at your favourite bar and/or sunbathing...

Going Global: Speaking Dutch (Flemish?) in Belgium

Broaden your horizons and speak Dutch outside the Netherlands! And is Flemish the same thing? So you thought...