

Cheap Dutch train tickets for the Summer

Because who doesn't need cheap Dutch train tickets? A few days back we ran an article on stuff you...

Dutch people on vacation starter pack

You can literally spot them a mile away because they're usually extremely loud and freaking tall: Dutch...

What America Needs to Know about Dutch Health Care, or just Health Care, really

A good look at the Dutch health care advantages What do we value intensely but really don’t think...

Trial By Ice: Wim Hof’s Cold Exposure And Breathing Exercises

In a previous article we talked all about the Iceman from Limburg, Wim Hof, and his legendary...

Teaching you 7 more Dutch words in this new video!

You've seen some teasers, you've read about the 7 new words and you've seen the 'original' movie....

Hold on to your sun hats, it’s gonna be a scorcher!

Have you been getting sunburnt more quickly the past week? If so, it would make sense. More...

Flag Day (Vlaggetjesdag) is coming to Scheveningen again!

Never heard of Flag Day? I hadn’t either until I moved to the Netherlands. It’s not the...

The Proliferation of Dutch Microbreweries

When I arrived back in the Netherlands four years ago, the variety in beer selection was rather...