
Experts fear public health is at risk in Amsterdam

As coronavirus cases skyrocket and the GGD continues to struggle with a backlog in testing, experts now...

These images of autumn in the Netherlands will make you welcome its arrival

Autumn in the Netherlands might just be the best season for pictures. Of course, it's hard to...

One-third of Amsterdam taxi drivers under the influence, of 18 tested

Recent routine police checks found one-third of Amsterdam taxi drivers who were tested to be driving under...

Dutch police pelted with onions after pulling over wedding procession

Here's a story with multiple layers: police officers had to stop a wedding procession in The Hague...

A local’s guide to Leiden – the best places to eat, drink, and shop

Do you want to check out a beautiful Dutch city that isn't Amsterdam? Are you eager to...

5 things to look forward to during the Embassy Festival weekend

Oh how we’re looking forward to this weekend! There's a very special online edition of the Embassy...

Moving to Amsterdam: an Expat Saga (2020)

So, you're taking the leap and moving to Amsterdam — great! This city is expat heaven for...

Kaapstad Festival 2020: How art is taking over Tilburg

For a limited time only, art has taken over Tilburg. Artists have turned the city upside down...