Take a raincheck on those plans today. If you happen to be in the Wadden Islands, a full-blown code yellow storm is on the horizon — and if you’re anywhere else in the Netherlands, you’re going to be soaked. 🌧
This morning will be misleadingly mild: cloudy in some parts, dry as a bone in others.
However, as the morning progresses, there will be a downpour of rain that starts in the south of the country before spreading its way across more and more cities, NU.nl reports.
How much rain are we talking about exactly? Between 20 to 40 millimetres, depending on your location. Not sure what that means? Let’s just say when it pours, it pours. ☔️
Look what the wind blew in: Code yellow
Precipitation isn’t the only force at work — winds are predicted to pick up throughout the day. 🌬
Specifically, areas along the coastline, as well as above the IJsselmeer, are set to have some strong gusts.
🛰 Prachtige 'krul' vanmiddag bij Ierland! Dit lagedrukgebied zorgt de komende dagen voor veel regen: in ons land kan tot zondag lokaal >50 mm vallen 👇 pic.twitter.com/00Ajpu9vlt— Wouter van Bernebeek (@StormchaserNL) October 19, 2023
Translation: “Beautiful ‘curl’ this afternoon in Ireland! This low-pressure area will cause a lot of rain in the coming days: 50 mm may fall locally > in our country until Sunday”
We would also recommend against venturing out to northern coastal areas. This is where gusts will reach a strength of roughly 80 kilometres per hour. Not ideal for a beach day. 🏖
In fact, what feels like the millionth code yellow warning of 2023 has been issued for the Wadden Islands.
The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) warns of gusts reaching up to Wind Force 8 in the region, so hold onto your hats! Or maybe just don’t go there.
In the south tonight? You’ll be right as rain
Depending on where in the country you are, temperatures will differ wildly. 🌡
The north of the Netherlands might have no more than a measly 6 to 9 degrees Celsius, while the southern provinces could have a comparatively luxurious 11 to 15.
READ MORE | 27 ways to thrive in the gloomy Dutch weather
Yep, if you’re looking to have Friday night plans other than a night on the couch with some tea, you might want to make them in the south.
Come evening, the rain will drift off towards the north, and the winds will settle into more a more reasonable breeze.
Still, try to keep any beach festivities to a dull roar; the Dutch coastline, and the northern coast in particular, will enjoy Wind Force 7 gusts tonight.
What indoor activities have you been saving for a rainy day? Let us know in the comments below!