Home News Health BREAKING: Dutch curfew should be lifted immediately, judge decrees

BREAKING: Dutch curfew should be lifted immediately, judge decrees

BREAKING: Dutch curfew should be lifted immediately, judge decrees
Feature Image: AVC Photo Studio/Pexels https://www.pexels.com/nl-nl/foto/stad-zonsondergang-bezienswaardigheid-nacht-6157516/

The curfew in the Netherlands should be lifted immediately, the judge of a court case in The Hague has ruled.  

The case was brought to the court by the Virus Truth Foundation. According to NOS, the judge ruled that the curfew is a violation of the right to freedom of movement and the freedom of privacy.

The curfew as introduced in line with the Extraordinary Powers of Civil Authority Act whereby the Dutch cabinet can pass laws without consulting the Senate or the House of Representatives. The judge in this case ruled that the curfew should have been debated by these houses as there was not enough to evidence provided to prove that it required “special urgency.”

This is decided one week after the Dutch government extended the curfew to March 2. While the Judge has made the decree, the cabinet has yet to respond.

Minister of Justice now studying the ruling

The Dutch Minister of Justice and Security, Ferdinand Grapperhaus, is now studying the judge’s decree, the NOS reports. It is understood that the lifting of the curfew cannot be delayed by an appeal.

However, for now the response of the cabinet remains unknown.

Updates to follow as the situation develops.

Are you surprised by the judge’s decision? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Feature Image: AVC Photo Studio/Pexels


  1. I am most certainly not a Rutte supporter, or virtually any of his liberal, left wing policies, but the CURFEW was and remains an excellent policy and, quite frankly extending it to year-round is not a bad idea at all. The Netherlands does not need packs of Young Thugs loitering and intimidating people on the streets of Rotterdam and other major cities.

  2. Imposition of curfew during peacetime should never be an option.

    Yes, thousands of people have died, as thousands more will. Indeed, every year there will be thousands more. This is not unprecedented: it happens every year with other pathogens. We need to learn to live with SARS-CoV-2, as we do other other viruses, not cower behind pseudoscience and fear-mongering.


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