Coronavirus testing in Netherlands virtually full, GGD scammer charges people for their free test

Over 80% of Dutch coronavirus testing locations are filled to the brim, while only four of 100 test locations in the Netherlands still have ample space.

Many people who have coronavirus complains are currently not able to be tested, reports NOS. The GGD says it has never been so busy.

“We think that’s because there are simply a lot of people with complaints who now want to test themselves,” says a municipal health department (GGD) spokesperson. Phone lines have been overloaded, and only scarce appointments are available online. 

The lack of testing is blamed by the GGD on the Ministry of Health. It says the Ministry hasn’t purchased enough lab capacity to deal with the volume of testing.

GGD scammer charges people for free tests

Meanwhile, a worker of the national coronavirus hotline has attempted to scam potential test-takers. On his calls, he would try to get people wanting a test appointment to pay up first.

The 24-year-old from Rotterdam has now been arrested. The GGD says he may have attempted to scam up to 85 people.

READ NEXT: Coronavirus in the Netherlands: all you need to know [UPDATED]

“It’s not a free test for nothing,” a spokesman for the GGD told RTL Nieuws. “Thousands of people go out of their way to make things go right and then something like this happens.”

How much the employee padded his bank account with is currently unknown. The GGD is investigating the theft.

Have you had trouble getting tested for coronavirus in the Netherlands? Tell us your experience in the comments below. 

Feature Image: DutchReview/Canva

Samantha Dixon 🇦🇺
Samantha Dixon 🇦🇺
Sam has over six years experience writing about life in the Netherlands and leads the content team at DutchReview. She originally came to the Netherlands to study in 2016 and now holds a BA (Hons.) in Arts, a BA (Hons) in Journalism, and a Masters in Teaching. She loves to write about settling into life in the Netherlands, her city of Utrecht, learning Dutch, and jobs in the Netherlands — and she still can’t jump on the back of a moving bike (she's learning!).


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