Coronavirus update: vaccine fast-tracked as 164 test positive

The RIVM has published the latest count of coronavirus cases in the Netherlands for today, June 11.

The newest count reveals that 164 new cases have been reported, after over a week of widespread testing. Since the outbreak began in the Netherlands in February, a total of 48,251 cases have been reported.

Severe cases of the virus continue to happen, with 3 people ending up in the hospital.

Unfortunately, 2 more people have passed away from the virus. The country overall has reached 6,044 deaths.

Dutch coronavirus vaccine fast-tracked to test on humans

In Leiden, Jannsen Vaccines have been working hard since the start of the outbreak to develop a coronavirus vaccine. After a period of testing that has proven promising, the company is now ready to test the vaccines on 1,045 healthy people from Belgium and the United States.

If the vaccine proves to be safe, does not affect the immune response and reacts well with the human body, the next stage of implementation will commence. If all goes according to plan, the company wishes to develop and export one billion vaccines by 2021.

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Feature Image: DutchReview/Canva

Vlad Moca-Grama
Vlad Moca-Grama
Vlad was born and raised in Brasov, Romania and came to the Hague to study. When he isn't spending time missing mountains or complaining about the lack of urban exploration locations in the Netherlands, you can find him writing at Dutch Review.


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