Dutch man found with 190 pounds of stolen FISH in his trunk (Why? Who knows)

Yes, that right! In the fishiest case of the year, an officer found over 200 bags of frozen seafood in the back of a man’s car; no one can understand why. 😳

A local community officer in Staphorst, near Zwolle, stopped the man after his car was swerving around the road (we won’t dare to say fishtailing).

In the boot of the driver’s car lay a school of motionless fish, specifically, 190 packs of salmon and 40 bags of shrimp. 

READ MORE | Dutch police thought they’d found a body — turns out it was a sex doll.

We totally get that the inflatie (inflation) is causing all kinds of concerns. However, this just seems sooo unso-fish-ticated! 🐟

Any-fin is possible (until you get caught)

“I soon thought: there is a smell to this,” joked the community police officer, Jimmy Van Oijen who found it, to Editie NL.

It turned out that the bags of fish had been stolen from several Lidl stores across Straphorst.

READ MORE | The ultimate guide to the cheapest supermarkets in the Netherlands.

The fishkeeper apparently had no method to his madness and is currently in custody after being arrested for theft.

What now?

There is an ongoing investigation to determine if he actually committed the theft as well as an ongoing fish-hunt to figure out which Lidl branches are missing their fish.

What do you think about the stolen fish? Tell us in the comments below.

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Eva Gabriella
Eva Gabriella
After calling Malaysia her home for 19 years, Eva moved to Amsterdam to study literary and cultural analysis. Well, that was the academic theory — in reality it was more like “cultural shock.” Eva’s mastery of life in the Netherlands involved initiation into the richness of nocturnal hangouts, canals, cuisine, and upright and forthright cyclists (who she now rings her bell back at.) When she is not speeding her way through books, she is winding and weaving down endless straatjes, often finding herself, not so quite by chance, in a gezellig music bar!


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