Expect delays: Dutch weather and pakjesavond crowds to cause rush hour traffic

Time to bike to work! 😬🚲

It looks like this pakjesavond will bring poems and presents — and rush hour traffic. 🎉

If you’re heading off to work today, you’ll need to plan for extensive rush hour traffic this evening, reports NU.nl. 😬 The culprits? Rain and pakjesavond crowds.

Here’s what we know

In part thanks to tonight’s celebrations, rush hour traffic jams will likely start much earlier than usual and last longer.

Instead of the usual 5PM to 6PM rush hour chaos we’ve all come to complain about, today’s mix of events will lead to traffic jams that start at around 3PM. 

As if holiday traffic wasn’t enough, the infamous Dutch weather has once again graced us with its relentless presence, just to make our lives a little more complicated. 

READ MORE | Dutch Quirk #52: Write poems for each other on pakjesavond 

So, plug in the aux, queue up your favourite Dutch holiday tunes, and mentally rehearse your magnificent poetry — ready to dazzle your family with a heartfelt performance later tonight. 🎤

Will your plans today be disrupted by the traffic? Let us know in the comments below.

Ada Dolanay
Ada Dolanay
Ada was born in Turkey, but spent almost all her life growing up in Amsterdam. As a third year Literary and Cultural Analysis student, she’s consistently observing, analysing and writing about people and places. After years of experiencing Dutch culture, she remains frustrated at Dutch cuisine, and continues to discover new benches in narrow streets to sit and read on (when the weather decides to be kind).

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