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Cough it up! The Dutch sent the most Tikkies ever recorded in 2022

The Dutch and their beloved Tikkie are entwined in a love affair that now has the Netherlands breaking records with a whopping 130 million Tikkies sent in 2022! πŸ’Έ

Oh, and if that wasn’t crazy enough, the sum total of these Tikkies added up to β€” wait for it β€” €5.5 billion!

Tikkies can’t stop, won’t stop

We’re really counting every penny this year. Last year’s figures completely pulverise previous records for 2020 and 2021, according to ABN Amro.

In fact, the sum total of Tikkies sent this year eclipses last year’s high of 4.2 billion by 1.3 billion.

Translation: In Dutch we don’t say ‘you are a really good friend’ but ‘I’ll send you a Tikkie for the stroopwafel we shared’ and I think that’s really beautiful

The value of the average Tikkie has also risen by €3 to €41.84, as customers seem to have more faith in making larger transactions through the app.

Match time? Nah, Tikkie time, hoor

When payday meets game day… you get 530,000 Tikkies! ⚽️

Friday, November 25 was the day the Netherlands played Ecuador in the World Cup, sending Tikkie numbers through the roof with many charging for ‘World Cup’, ‘football’, and ‘beer’.

READ MORE | Tikkie etiquette: the do’s and don’ts of asking for money in the Netherlands

To put that number into perspective, a usual day sees around 350,000 Tikkies exchanged on average. This means that game day had Dutchies sending around 180,000 more Tikkies than usual.

The Dutch are prompt AF

On average, 89% of Tikkies were paid within a day in 2022.

READ MORE | Dutch Quirk #7: Send a Tikkie for virtually nothing

Of those Tikkies, about 63% were paid during the hour and 36% within five minutes. This shows that the Dutch certainly respect the call of the mighty Tikkie β€” and you know what, so do we.

What is the craziest thing you’ve been sent a Tikkie for? Tell us all about it in the comments below!

Feature Image:Canva/DutchReview
Liana Pereira πŸ‡±πŸ‡°
Liana Pereira πŸ‡±πŸ‡°
Liana juggles her role as an Editor with wrapping up a degree in cognitive linguistics and assisting with DutchReview's affiliate portfolio. Since arriving in the Netherlands for her studies in 2018, she's thrilled to have the 'write' opportunity to help other internationals feel more at home here β€” whether that's by penning an article on the best SIMs to buy in NL, the latest banking features, or important things to know about Dutch health insurance.


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