Dutchies can holiday in the UK this summer after all

From today, Dutchies will not need to quarantine after arrival in the UK, along with citizens of nearly 60 other countries, NU.nl reports.

In June, the UK enacted a quarantine requirement on all international travellers in order to reduce the spread of coronavirus. In the UK, nearly 290,000 infections have been diagnosed since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak. The official death toll stands at 44,687.

Despite this, the Dutch government has relaxed its travel advice for the UK from code orange (avoid unnecessary travel) to code yellow (travel is permitted, but travellers should be aware of the safety risks). In practice, that means that Dutch people can go on holiday to the UK this summer. The only exception is the Channel Islands, which remain code orange. It is possible that you might be checked for coronavirus symptoms as you enter the country.

The Netherlands decided to relax its travel advice for the UK not only because the UK had done likewise for them, but also because the UK has lifted restrictions on movement within the country. Pubs, restaurants, hotels and hairdressing salons have been open since last week.

Would you go on holidays to the UK this summer? Let us know in the comments below.

Feature Image: Burst/Pexels

Ailish Lalor
Ailish Lalor
Ailish was born in Sydney, Australia, but grew up by a forest in south-east Ireland, which she has attempted to replace with a living room filled with plants in The Hague. Besides catering to her army of pannenkoekenplantjes, Ailish spends her days convincing her friends that all food is better slightly burnt, plotting ways to hang out with dogs and cats, and of course, writing for DutchReview.


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