Dutch tourist dies from wasp sting while visiting WWI battlefield

After a wasp sting, a Dutchman had a severe allergic reaction and died while visiting a historic battlefield in Verdun, France.

The 52-year-old man was visiting the World War I battlefield with his wife on Tuesday, reports AD

While they were there, he experienced an anaphylactic shock from a wasp sting and died shortly after from cardiac arrest.   

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Medical workers rushed to the Dutchman’s aid but, unfortunately, were unable to resuscitate him.

History of the battlefield

During World War I, the Battle of Verdun, which lasted for most of 1916, had large losses for both the Germans and the French. 

There are now honorary cemeteries and a monument in memory of the battle and those who were lost. 
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Feature Image:Depositphotos
Simone Jacobs
Simone Jacobs
Originally from South Africa, Simone is having fun navigating the Dutch language, steep stairs, and bicycles (which she still manages to fall off of with her short, non-Dutch legs). An animal lover at heart, Simone can typically be found under her (growing?) mound of cats, where she uses the opportunity to read, write, and watch video compilations of creatures.


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