Following a deplorable mass shooting at a mosque in New Zealand nearly the whole world is shocked – the Netherlands as well…
Firstly, DutchReview is shocked and we support the victims in New-Zealand and once more want to firmly state that terrorism and hate are never a solution. We know we have some readers in New Zealand and hope they and their loved ones are alright, our thoughts and support go out to all the victims and their families.
Dutch reactions regarding the New Zealand shooting
The Royal Family have given their condolences to New Zealand, “We were shocked to learn of the attacks on two mosques in Christchurch which killed dozens of people and left many others wounded. Hate and intolerance have taken a dreadful toll. Our hearts go out to all those who have been affected by this senseless violence”.
Response by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima to the attacks in New Zealand
— Koninklijk Huis (@koninklijkhuis) March 15, 2019
Geschokt door verschrikkelijke aanslagen op twee moskeeën in het Nieuw-Zeelandse Christchurch. Gedachten zijn bij alle slachtoffers en nabestaanden. Premier Ardern heb ik zojuist mijn condoleances overgebracht.
— Mark Rutte (@MinPres) March 15, 2019
Since this was a planned terrorist attack, there are also security measures taken around the world.
Security in the UK at mosques is increased
London Mayor Khan has assured the Muslim community in his city that the police will be visibly present at mosques. In 2017, an extreme right-wing Brit ran into believers who left a London mosque in Finsbury Park after the evening prayer. One person was killed and ten injured. The 28-year-old man guilty of the attacks in Christchurch has announced in an internet manifesto that he sympathizes with the attacker in London.
France condemns the attacks in New Zealand
France’s Interior Minister increased police activity around the country to vigilantly patrol mosques. The French president also shared his mourning with New Zealand and reaffirmed that continued efforts are being made in counter-terrorism. The reaction has been seemingly overnight, security surrounding places of worship are a top priority across Europe.
Toutes nos pensées pour les victimes des crimes odieux contre les mosquées de Christchurch en Nouvelle-Zélande et pour leurs proches. La France se dresse contre toute forme d’extrémisme et agit avec ses partenaires contre le terrorisme dans le monde.
— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) March 15, 2019
Security in the Netherlands is increased
The municipality of Amsterdam announced in January that mosques and other Islamic locations will receive a security boost, this is needed more now than ever. Mayor Halsema said there is an “increased conceivable threat to Islamic institutions”.
The National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security is constantly communicating with the umbrella organization of mosque governments. The threat level in the Netherlands stands at 4 on a scale of 5.
Source feat pic: wikipedia/cc/Mr.Pickle