Little bit of this, little bit of that! The weather this week will be one hell of a ride!

The weather this week in the Netherlands is going to be giving us a little bit of everything. You want sunshine – you got it! You want rain – you got it! You want thunder and lightning – you got it! You want snow – what the hell is wrong with you? You don’t got it! Here is a quick break down of how this week is going to be like.

Today (Monday)

Monday is going to be hot, hot hot! But don’t worry, Dutch weather is going to make sure you stay cooled down for the whole day. With the forecast of 29 degrees Celsius, and a whole lot of sunshine, and rain, and lightning, Monday is going to be…interesting? But who doesn’t like starting their Monday off with a bang?



Tomorrow (Tuesday)

Tuesdays is going to be just the same as Monday. With a forecast of 29 degrees Celsius, and all of the confusion of the previous day we might as well just go along with it. But that’s the beauty of living in the Netherlands, right?! So just go along with it!


On Wednesday it’s going to be the same thing all over again, with the small difference that it’s going to be 25 degrees Celsius. But it’s all good, because the week is halfway done, right? Wednesday’s aren’t that bad after all.


Same old story, but this time it’s going to be 24 degrees Celsius. At this point it seems like we’re slowly getting further away from summer. And even though the temperature is quite nice, how the hell are we supposed to enjoy it when there’s thunder and lightning? Just keep reminding yourself that this is the charm of the Netherlands.


So, it’s Friday. Yay! And that’s as good as it gets. Sun, rain, lightning, and 24 degrees Celsius. That’s a fun way to start the month of June, right? I mean, all of your friends are probably posting photos from some exotic island, where the sun is always shining, and it’s bikini weather all year around. But who cares? Living in the Netherlands is unique and exciting because you never know what you’re gonna get!

Do you have any good tips on how to remain sane when the weather is like this in the Netherlands? Let us know in the comments below!

Veronika Licheva
Veronika Licheva
Living the short girl life in the land of giants. Veronika is a content creator who takes great interest in video, photography, and journalism. Her mission in The Netherlands is to build a vibrant and exciting career, while simultaneously petting as many dogs as possible.


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