Man (30) caught walking naked through Dutch city, just trying to deal with “family stress”

Whatever happened to yoga?

While some opt for meditation or nice calm music to deal with stress, this 30-year-old Alphen aan de Rijn resident tried a much more unorthodox method — walking naked around the city. 

We don’t recommend this method to anyone, though, as it could result in a €500 fine and a very uncomfortable conversation in court.  

A walk on the wild side

The police arrested 30-year-old P. in late August 2024 when he was caught walking down a street in Alphen aan de Rijn in nothing but his birthday suit. 

That wasn’t his first rodeo either — according to the AD, he had already taken his unconventional walk three other times during the same week. 

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He recently made his appearance in court and when asked to explain why he decided to take his naked walks, he told the judge: “Good question. I asked myself the same thing.”

But P. isn’t just confused; he’s also relatable (not too relatable). 

Life was a bit too much

According to P., he was feeling a lot of stress due to starting a family, job responsibilities, and house payments, and the naked walks served as an outlet for that stress. 

“Something like that shouldn’t happen, can’t happen, isn’t right. I know. Even though I may have tried my best not to be seen naked, it still happened. I was stupid.” remarked P. 

In the future, we recommend P. stays away from city centres if he wants to remain unseen. Needless to say, we recommend he sticks to pants as well. 

After the arrest, P. decided to seek professional help to assist with his stress and will continue with his treatment after court. 

Let off easy

The judge accepted the prosecution’s demands and charged P. a €500 fine, which he only has to pay if he commits another criminal offence during his two-year probation. 

He also has to report to the probation service in the near future. 

P. is just happy to put this very exposed period of his life behind him and hopefully go back to his job at a care institution. 

Do you have any good tips for dealing with stress? Leave them in the comments below! 

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Lina Leskovec
Lina Leskovec
Lina moved from Slovenia to the Netherlands in 2021. Three years in Amsterdam got her a Bachelor’s in Political Science and made her an advocate for biking in the rain. Her main expertise include getting the most out of her Museumkaart purchase and finding the best coffee spots in Amsterdam.


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