No trains between Den Haag and Schiphol this morning

Due to a collision, there are currently no trains running between Leiden Centraal and Schiphol airport.

This means that commuters and travellers are facing extended delays and waiting times this morning, reports

The exact nature of the problem is not known, but the NS says that it won’t be fixed before 9:30 AM at the earliest.

Who is affected?

The line blockage especially concerns those travelling from and to Leiden, Den Haag, Amsterdam, Schiphol, Haarlem, Hoofdorp, and Lelystadt.

Alternative routes

Those affected by the delays are asked to look for alternative routes. There are busses available from Haarlem to Leiden Centraal.

From Schiphol airport, you can travel to Rotterdam Centraal and proceed your travels from there. However, the NS does predict high demand for this train connection so expect full trains.

Have you found a good alternative to forego this unexpected train blockage? Tell us in the comments!

Feature Image:Depositphotos
Cara Räker 🇩🇪
Cara Räker 🇩🇪
Cara moved to the Netherlands at fifteen and she is here to stay! After all, there is so much to love about it, except maybe the bread (as every German will tell you). Next to finishing up her bachelor's degree in European politics (dry), Cara loves to do yoga, swim, and cook delicious veggie food.


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