Serial molester in Rotterdam: Police share footage of suspect, women warned to “stay alert”

Six victims have come forward

A serial molester is on the loose in Rotterdam. While investigations are ongoing, the police have disclosed footage of a suspect, warning women to “stay alert”.

The warning came after recent reports by six different victims, three of whom have filed a formal complaint, reports RTL Nieuws.

Serial attacks by the same man

The attacks have all occurred on public roads in Rotterdam Centrum or Noord, mainly at night or early in the morning while it’s still dark.

By reviewing nearby footage, police have singled out a suspect. He appears to be a man with the following characteristics:

  • aged between 25 and 40
  • gets around by bike
  • speaks Dutch
  • dark hair, eyes, and facial hair
  • dark-coloured puffer jacket

To help with the search and try to warn possible victims, the authorities have released footage of the suspected serial molester to the public:

Authorities call on victims to come forward

So far, six women have come forward with assault reports. The investigators, however, think there might be more and have called on victims to come forward.

Since the molester seems to have only targeted women, for now, police have specifically warned women to “stay extra alert.”

Police warning draws criticism

The warning has been criticised by “Stichting De Veilige Nacht”, a foundation working to make Rotterdam’s nightlife safer.

“Once again, the blame is being placed on the woman,” Anouk Bol of the foundation tells RTL Nieuws.

The police, nonetheless, maintain that the warning is meant to alert people to suspicious situations while further action to apprehend the suspect is taken behind the scenes.

Know anything about the suspect? As the investigation continues, the police have asked people to come forward with any valuable information by calling 0800-6070.

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Feature Image:Politie Rotterdam
Beatrice Scali 🇮🇹
Beatrice Scali 🇮🇹
Five years after spreading her wings away from her beloved Genova, Bia has just landed at DutchReview as an editorial intern. She has lived in China, Slovenia, Taiwan, and — natuurlijk — the Netherlands, where she just completed her bachelor’s in International Studies. When she’s not reciting unsolicited facts about the countries she’s lived in, she is writing them down. Her biggest dreams include lobbying the Dutch government into forcing oliebollen stands to operate year-round, and becoming a journalist. In this order.


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