Rutte interrupts Trump! 4 Things that happened at the Rutte – Trump meeting

The Rutte – Trump meeting took place yesterday at the White House. There were many speculations as to what should be discussed in this epic meeting, but besides the chit-chat there were four funny, and slightly cringy moments we need to mention as well! 

#1 The Handshake

At this point it has become a bit of a tournament to see how each world leader deals with Trump’s infamous handshake. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a very passionate ordeal. Once you’ve locked eyes and hands with Trump, he hastily pulls you in closer to him in what seems like an attempt to dislocate the other person’s arm. What follows is an even more up-close and intense stare from the commander-in-chief, and some speculate an attempt to grab one by the…self esteem.

In order to avoid this intimacy many leaders have come up with their own solutions to the handshake, and the world has anticipated each one in sheer amusement. Well, yesterday was Rutte’s turn to showcase his solution to this first world problem, and he delivered! The best defense is a good…defense?

#2 Rutte interrupting Trump

Behold, Dutch directness at its finest! And after what happened yesterday, we are all so happy that this is one thing Rutte did not leave behind in the Netherlands. Yes, the Dutch are known for cutting the bullshit once they have detected it and Rutte did just that. We all practically squealed in delight when Trump started talking nonsense, and the Dutch PM just cut him off and said ‘NO!’. Here is a video of what happened:

Ouch! This has to be the sexiest ‘NO’ we’ve ever heard! Who knew politics could be so sexy? It’s good to see someone put Trump in his place, and it’s even better when it’s done by the Dutch Prime Minister. Now bring the cheese and beer, and let’s all celebrate as one!

#3 400 years, 825 000 jobs

Another thing that raised eyebrows was said by Rutte himself during a small speech. During his meeting with Trump (and after cutting him off with that historical ‘No!’) he started explaining the relationship between the Netherlands and America. In his speech, he said that the Dutch bond with the U.S. has lasted for over 400 years, which is debatable considering the United States of America were only established as a country 242 years ago. Rutte also emphasized that this bond has created over 825 000 jobs, all while Trump just looked smitten by the fact that a politician came prepared to a meeting. Watch and learn, Mr. President.

#4 Rutte the Prime Minister of Denmark

Did you know that the Prime Minister of Denmark was also present during the meeting? No? Because he wasn’t. However, the New York Times messed up Rutte’s nationality only in the way Americans can. In what seems to be a bit of a funny screw up, the American newspaper mistook the Dutch Prime Minister for a Danish one. Danish…Dutch…so similar…so confusing! But, let’s not be harsh on them. Europe is a confusing country (lol).

Thankfully, the New York Times quickly corrected their mistake and issued an official statement. Thankfully, Dutchies at this point just find it hilarious.

So there you have it! The 4 highlights of the Rutte – Trump meeting! Which one is your favorite? Is there something you wish they had discussed? Let us know in the comments below!

Source featured image: Youtube/PBS

Veronika Licheva
Veronika Licheva
Living the short girl life in the land of giants. Veronika is a content creator who takes great interest in video, photography, and journalism. Her mission in The Netherlands is to build a vibrant and exciting career, while simultaneously petting as many dogs as possible.


  1. Four centuries of Dutch-American relationships is a reference not to the US, it goes back before the foundation.
    There is a book about it which talks about our historic relation between 1609 to 2009.

  2. Maybe you need to have a closer look at the history of America. The US of A may be 242 years old, but America itself and the Dutch setting foot in and founding New Amsterdam is probably a bit longer ago.


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