Silent Walk in Utrecht Planned to Honour Victims of Shooting

A silent walk has been planned for this Friday to honour the victims of Monday’s senseless and violent shooting. The solemn walk will stretch from Utrecht central station to Oktoberplein 24, the scene of the horrific shooting spree. The entire walk is to be taken in complete silence to honour the dead. Organizers have asked attendees to bring red or white roses to place at the vigil. 

Utrecht’s police force has tweeted a victim’s hotline for people that wish to vent about the events that took place. If you have been impacted in any way big or small do not hesitate to call Victim Support.

The day after the shooting (yesterday) all Dutch flags on government buildings and diplomatic posts abroad were flown at half-mast on request of Prime Minister Mark Rutte.

The silent walk in Utrecht

Dominique Bos is one of the hosts of the silent walk, he is still in shock and mourning. One of the victims in Monday’s shooting spree was Dominique’s friend. He says he wants to express his respect and love with the journey, calling it “a nice gesture for the relatives and the deceased”. Those who wish to attend are asked to gather at Jaarbeursplein at 6:30 pm.

The walk will begin at Utrecht Central station at 19:00 hours, the silent walk will proceed through Utrecht and cross over the tram tracks to Kanaleneiland. The silent walk will end in a great big round of applause for first responders. Event organizers have said, it is “here we want to thank the rescuers with big applause”.

To join the event and show solidarity with the victims, visit the official event page.

Whether you’re Dutch, American, Turkish, Surinamese, Indian or otherwise, please feel welcome to attend the silent walk and feel free to leave your sincere condolences in the comment section of our Facebook.

Photo Source: Gemeente Utrecht

Jesse Rintoul
Jesse Rintoul
I'm a 24-year-old writer living in Amsterdam, pursuing videography and media. The coffee I am drinking in my profile picture is a black coffee.
  1. My condolences to the families with the Los of their loved ones. And that the wounded will be recovering soon. ?
    Froma Durch Canadian ??


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