Solar car designed by Dutch university students drives 1000 kilometres across North Africa

After completing this impressive feat, the new, student-designed, sun-fuelled car is apparently a force to be reckoned with.

This two-seated vehicle dubbed the “Stella Terra”, was designed by students at the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Guardian reports.

However, before they send their creation out into the world, the Stella Terra has to undergo a series of tests.

One such test was zooming over the irregular landscape of North Africa — and it passed the 1,000-kilometre driving test with flying colours.

Cutting-edge technology

The car is fuelled by solar panels installed on its roof, weighs a light 1,200 kilograms, and has a range of 710 kilometres on a sunny day, reports TU Eindhoven in a press release. 🚗💨

According to the Solar Team Eindhoven’s manager, Wisse Bos, the technology used to keep Stella Terra is lightyears ahead of anything on the current market.

Don’t live in a sunny climate? In places like the Netherlands, this car could still serve you, but over shorter distances, thanks to its rechargeable lithium (Li)-ion battery.

Even if the weather isn’t hot enough to fry an egg, the car’s solar panels are so blindingly strong that the energy produced can charge electronic devices.

READ MORE | 27 ways to thrive in the gloomy Dutch weather

The team of 22 student innovators, ages 21 to 25, took a year off of their studies to make this dream a reality.

Their goal? To serve as “an inspiration to car manufacturers such as Land Rover and BMW to make it a more sustainable industry”. 🌍

Would you drive a solar-powered car? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

Ellen Ranebo
Ellen Ranebo
As someone half Swedish and half Irish who has lived in the Netherlands, the UK, and attended an American School, Ellen is a cocktail of various nationalities. Having had her fair share of bike accidents, near-death experiences involving canals, and miscommunications while living here (Swedish and Dutch have deceptively similar words with very different meanings), she hopes to have (and document) plenty more in future.


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