Two Young Girls, 2- and 15 years old, in Helmond hit by Stray Bullets

Two have suffered bullet wounds this Monday afternoon in the Noord-Brabant city of Helmond. A girl of 15 and a child only 2 years of age were wounded this afternoon. Police have since taken one person into custody for the crime, without stating their connection to the shooting.

When did the shooting start?

At least one shooter fired upon a car in Molenstraat at about 3:22 p.m. The younger victim was sitting on the back of her mother’s bicycle when a bullet hit her leg. The fifteen-year-old took a shot to her arm but was stable enough to go home not long after. In the street where the incident occurred a broken rear window of a car was found.

As the shooting occurred

An Opal Astra sped off, following shots fired. The car was later found only 800m away in Helmond,  abandoned. Authorities asked that anyone with information, including still photos or videos of the scene, contact them immediately.

Following the shooting

The police have sealed off De Molenstraat while they investigate. A police helicopter has also been deployed in their search for answers. It is not yet known what the cause of the shooting was. The mayor of Helmond, Elly Blanksma, checked in on the victims this evening.

Jesse Rintoul
Jesse Rintoul
I'm a 24-year-old writer living in Amsterdam, pursuing videography and media. The coffee I am drinking in my profile picture is a black coffee.
  1. This is unfortunate and must be taken care of, recently these types of incidents are happening. The cause whatever is, must be nipped at bud.


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