The cold is coming! But can you finally ice skate?

Winter is finally here

Winter is coming next week! Like we said in our previous article, temperatures are dropping and it’s bringing with it ice and snow showers. Tonight, this will begin with temperatures dropping below zero. For this reason, KNMI has put out a code yellow warning for the roads tonight. Some are expected to be icy, so be careful.

This week

For the rest of this week, we can expect cold nights and rain and sleet in the days ahead. The weather is basically a bit all over the place for the remainder of the week. Don’t expect to see too much snow around this week, but next week is looking likely for most of us.

Next week

Now it’s getting cold! During the day, the temperatures will barely go above freezing during the day and at night this is expecting to go well below freezing, at around -5 to -8 degrees Celsius. The weather will be both sunny with showers, and once showers hit, this will be sleet and snow.

Source: Weerplaza

Ice skating?

Sadly, this will only be possible on flooded areas. Lakes and canals won’t be safe to skate on as the ice hasn’t had time to build up due to our mild winter so far. So it’s a completely different story to last year. However, ice skating is not ruled out – hit your local flooded marsh, outdoor rink or ponds and you can ice skate there.

There is a relatively high chance that this weather will continue – so those of you hoping to take to the canals again, it’s not the end of winter yet!

Do you like this weather? Let us know in the comments!

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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