Austrian couple receive €500,000 of ecstasy pills after buying clothes from Dutch online store

A internet shopping spree went wrong this week when an Austrian woman bought two dresses from a Dutch online shop. A few days later as the couple ate breakfast, the postman brought their package to Linz – and a second package filled with 24,800 ecstasy pills. 

The couple, aged 58 and 59, were confused by the additional package which was addressed to them. The woman originally thought the mistaken package was full of decorative stones. However, the man quickly realised it was full of the party drug instead.

Very cutely, the couple assured each other that neither of them had ordered half a million euros of pills to share with their friends. And then? We’re assuming their pupils dilated, they clenched their jaws, and they began to sweat – from stress, obviously.

We guess they look a little decorative. Image: Austrian Police

They then did the responsible thing and contacted the post office. The police were called (stat!) and an investigation revealed the intended recipient was someone in Scotland – who we can assume was very worried at this point wondering where their pills were.

Of course, the Scot was arrested. Dutch police are still trying to find the sender of the package.

What do you think of this mis-addressed mishap? Something you might like to receive in the post? Let us know in the comments below!

Feature Image: Austrian Police

Samantha Dixon 🇦🇺
Samantha Dixon 🇦🇺
Sam has over six years experience writing about life in the Netherlands and leads the content team at DutchReview. She originally came to the Netherlands to study in 2016 and now holds a BA (Hons.) in Arts, a BA (Hons) in Journalism, and (almost) a Masters in Teaching. She loves to write about settling into life in the Netherlands, her city of Utrecht, learning Dutch, and jobs in the Netherlands — and she still can’t jump on the back of a moving bike (she's learning!).


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