An Amsterdam house that is soon to be let was so popular that there was a queue people stretching tens of meters on the day of the viewing.
According to AT5, nearly fifty people had come for that little hour reserved for viewing. It is a three-room apartment on the Sarphatistraat of 70 square meters that costs 1000 euros per month. The house is rented out for a maximum of two years.
The Madness of the Amsterdam housing market
One of the interested tenants reacted surprised to the crowds. “We arrived very late so we did not see the house, but I still noticed that it was very busy inside,” says the young student against AT5. Another interested person dropped out after seeing the row. “It is real madness, the Amsterdam housing market, which I think is completely spoiled by expats.”
In de rij voor een huurwoning van 1000 euro in Sarphatistraat: ‘Het is echt waanzin!’
— AT5 (@AT5) 26 september 2018
The rental property of housing association De Key is offered through a broker. On Friday morning, interested parties have another opportunity to view the property. The invitation for the viewing is also sent to people who do not meet the minimum income of 3000 euros net.
Will be interesting (disgusting?) to see how crazy and out of control the housing market in Amsterdam can become!
Damn expats, choosing to pay more in rent than they have to. It is them that sets the rental prices, right?
I’m pretty certain it’s short stay apprmenta that have drastically driven prices up here. Expat were always here. Maybe some new ones following brexit but the prices went up well before that.