This weekend is the Japanese cherry blossom festival in Amsterdam

The blossoms are coming!

It’s that time of year again… time to get your Nikon out and your Instagram ready for the most picturesque time of the year! It’s the Japanese cherry blossom festival in Amsterdamse Bos this weekend!

There are 400 Japanese cherry trees plants in Amsterdamse Bos, Bloesempark and they are going to be blossoming very soon. This truly is one of the best things about Spring time in the Netherlands.

Here’s a few snap shots of what it looks like. Credits go to our DutchReview group member Dan Stamp!

Japanese cherry blossom festival
What a beautiful view!


Japanese cherry blossom festival
Even the horse is enjoying it
Japanese cherry blossom festival
A must-see to visit…

What it the Japanese cherry blossom festival in Amsterdamse Bos?

Okay, so the pictures have caught your attention I see. So what is it? If you’re unsure of what I’m talking about, this weekend ‘Hanami Matsuri’ is taking place in Amsterdamse Bos, Bloesempark. This is a festival to celebrate the start of spring (because we all love it) and thank the Japanese community (Japan Women’s Club) for donating 400 (yes, 400!) cherry trees to Amsterdamse. All 400 trees have been named: 200 Dutch female names and 200 Japanese female names. Every one of them is absolutely beautiful to see.

It’s so popular that is has kind of turned into a tourist attraction. Especially for nature lovers and people looking for the perfect snap to put on their Instagram accounts! So it’s worth a visit if you’re around the Amsterdam region.

Wanting more?

If you’re looking for something else to treat your spring obsessions, then head to the tulip fields! We’ve compiled an article for this, so check it out because the tulips are on their way! What could be better than blossom trees and tulips, eh?

Will you be going to see them? Let us know in the comments! Also, don’t forget to join our Facebook group for more 😉

Emma Brown
Emma Brown
A familiar face at DutchRevew. Emma arrived in Holland in 2016 for a few weeks, fell in love with the place and never left. Here she rekindled her love of writing and travelling. Now you'll find her eating stroopwafels in the DutchReview office since 2017.


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