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HomeUltimate List of Dutch Quirks
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Dutch Quirk #128: Have a DIY mentality about everything
Dutchies are thrifty, they’re frugal, and they’re self-reliant. Combine all of these, and they get the fantastic...
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Dutch Quirk #72: Put a hook on old buildings to move furniture
Picture this: you're taking a stroll through the picturesque streets of any given Dutch city, the sun...
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Dutch Quirk #12: Be obsessed with peanut butter
You’re at work and the clock strikes 12.30: lunchtime! Time for your leftover pasta — mmm 🤤....
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Dutch Quirk #129: Bike recklessly — and somehow remain unhurt
Hell hath no fury like a Dutchie atop a bicycle. Ever seen one zigzag, helmetless, through speeding...
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Dutch Quirk #59: Wear way less make-up than people in other countries
Dutchies are direct people — no need to beat around the bush here — but could it...
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Dutch Quirk #130: Charge hundreds of euros to live in a broom closet
"So, this is the room!" The agent stands awkwardly underneath a sloped ceiling, making way for you...
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Dutch Quirk #100: Use the power of the ‘social police’ (betutteling)
There are several unwritten rules of social etiquette in the Netherlands that Dutchies love to betuttel (patronise)...
Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks
Dutch Quirk #90: Go through a ridiculous number of dating stages before committing
So, you've been seeing someone for six months, you go on dates regularly, and you've met each...