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Articles by
Shaakira Vania
20-something year old traveller, coconut lover (Seriously-anything coconut), and Libran. I recently made the cross-continent move to Amsterdam and spend my weekends exploring the country, meeting new people and telling myself I will finish a book every month (a promise I'm yet to keep). If I had to sum myself up in three words they would be: quirky, curious, and meme-lover.
12 realisations every expat in the Netherlands can relate to
There’s a saying that goes, “celebrate the little moments because one day you’ll look back and realise...
Always an expat, never a local: an international’s attempt to integrate into Dutch life
I'm a South African living in Amsterdam, here's why I'm still waiting to feel like a Dutch...
Afrikaans and Dutch: the differences and similarities
Afrikaans and Dutch — what is the connection? Are these two languages as similar as they're rumoured...
In the Netherlands, rules are rules (but only when it’s convenient)
When did it become cool to break the rules? Okay, rhetorical question since the people who break...
The surprising challenges of using a sidewalk in the Netherlands
The Netherlands is an amazing place to live, with so many places to see and discover. But,...
What’s in a Dutch male name? Part 2
All good sequels have a decent amount of time between them. Just think about the years between...
What’s in a (female) Dutch name?
"What’s in a name? That which we call a rose wo-" *old record scratching sound*. Wait a...
Moving to the Netherlands for the first time: difficulties with language, orders and groceries
I am learning Dutch.
I say that with a small, proud smile, even though in reality I’ve...