
10 series and films on Netflix to help you learn Dutch

Browsing for a Netflix show or film to watch on a gloomy day in the Netherlands? Maybe...

Why are there no public bathrooms in the Netherlands?

It's the moment we all dread: needing to use the loo when you're out and about. Why are there no public toilets in the Netherlands?

7 things that the Dutch kind of suck at

We've brought you a list of what the Dutch are great at and why the Dutch are...

Nudity in the Netherlands — what’s the deal?!

When it comes to being naked in the Netherlands, there’s a liberal attitude where nude is far...

The Americans have learned of Dutch ‘droppings’ and now they’re confused

Americans took to Twitter to discuss a peculiar Dutch practice: dropping. Much like their fascination with other...

We asked readers about their experiences with the infamous Dutch directness

Ahhh, the infamous Dutch directness: is it a stereotype, or is it accurate? Should it even be...

Would you offer your guests dinner? Dutchies don’t, and the internet is mad (!)

How likely are people in the Netherlands to serve food to their guests? This simple map took...

14 forward-thinking things Dutch people do

Throughout history, the Dutch have encouraged innovation, development, and creativity in many arenas. In fact, the Netherlands is...