
Dutch Cabinet Says ‘Nee’ to Four-Parent Families

A plan to increase the maximum of parents in a Dutch family from two to four has...

Locals from North Amsterdam defend their turf against Iamsterdam sign

Towards the end of last year, the IAmsterdam sign was removed from Rijksmuseum to the North of...

Catholic Church fires openly gay priest from Amsterdam

The openly gay priest, Pierre Valkering, has been fired by the Haarlem District. The 57-year-old came out...

Oranje Fever and Dutch Fans: 7 Tips to Survive an International Dutch Football Match

Oranje Fever and Dutch Fans The streets run orange with confetti, the cobblestones are sticky with beer, hordes...

Over 200 municipalities in the Netherlands prohibit drug use in public spaces – who knew?!

People perceive the Netherlands as a place where tall hippies cycle around with a permanent joint hanging...

Laughing gas in the Netherlands: balloon fun no more?

The Justice and Security Minister, Ferdinand Grapperhaus, is keen to talk about a possible prohibition on laughing...

Disappearing Dutch? Many Dutchies see ‘Nederlands’ as the most important identifying factor

What makes the Dutch... Dutch? Is there an identity? And what's with all this English making it's...

Tons of people visit GPs for STD consultation; decrease in HIV diagnosis

In the last year, GPs reported having seen an increase in the number of sexually transmitted diseases...