
Gay Blacklists: how Amsterdam wasn’t always the gay-friendly capital

Gay friendly Amsterdam? Not always. In the past Amsterdam had Gay Blacklists - not quite the rainbow...

The Dutch Population is Increasing!

More Dutchies? Hoorah! The Netherland’s population is increasing as more migrants inhabit this wonderful flat land and...

Only 14% of the Dutch are unhappy – we’re pretty happy with that result!

If someone asked me to rate how happy the Dutch are after being screamed at by a...

Your train might be late but the love is bigger: Train stops so elderly woman can make her surgery appointment

An NS driver showed his loyalty and dedication to his passengers when he made an unplanned stop...

Dutch Cabinet Says ‘Nee’ to Four-Parent Families

A plan to increase the maximum of parents in a Dutch family from two to four has...

Locals from North Amsterdam defend their turf against Iamsterdam sign

Towards the end of last year, the IAmsterdam sign was removed from Rijksmuseum to the North of...

Catholic Church fires openly gay priest from Amsterdam

The openly gay priest, Pierre Valkering, has been fired by the Haarlem District. The 57-year-old came out...

Oranje Fever and Dutch Fans: 7 Tips to Survive an International Dutch Football Match

Oranje Fever and Dutch Fans The streets run orange with confetti, the cobblestones are sticky with beer, hordes...