
Ready for a visual journey through Amsterdam? We have just the video for you!

Whether you've been to the Netherlands before or not: you must have heard of the beauty of...

Neuken in de keuken – most Dutchies satisfied with their sex life

A recent study by the Rutgers knowledge center, sampling 17,000 Dutch people aged between 18 and 80...

Dutchies: Establishing Dominance by Riding a Bike

Dutch(wo)men and bicycles go together like Frenchies and wine, Finlanders and saunas, Scotsmen and soccer riots. Contrary...

4 unique alcoholic drinks to try in the Netherlands (after finishing that biertje)

Looking for a tasty Dutch drink? Maybe you are happy that the sun is shining or a...

Dutch Infrastructure: Why We Should Be Thankful for It

It’s now been about a month since I packed my bags and left Rotterdam, Holland’s ‘Manhattan on...

Sex workers in the Netherlands: My Red Light and being their own boss

How sex workers in the Netherlands and Amsterdam are starting their own brothel. How's this coming along? We...

Things I wish Italians would learn from Dutchies (and vice versa!)

I definitely am a proud Italian. I brag about the etymology of words coming from the Latin...

Don’t come to the Netherlands – The Movie

Remember that introductory film on the Netherlands for President Trump? Of course, you remember it! It had...