HomeUltimate List of Dutch Quirks

Ultimate List of Dutch Quirks

Dutch Quirk #91: Live their lives for the borrel at the end of the week

A country where washing the stresses of a work week away with some drinks is a social...

Dutch Quirk #124: Not care about the fact that they’re living below sea level

You might've noticed how flat the Netherlands is — and for that, you'd be very right! Though...

Dutch Quirk #101: Bike while using their phones

The Dutch certainly know how to ride their bikes — and with great bike riding comes some...

Dutch Quirk #88: Hang their school backpack on their house flagpole after graduating

Have you ever noticed school bags dangling on flagpoles outside of Dutch homes? If yes, then someone...

Dutch Quirk #48: Say no to credit cards

As a newcomer in the Netherlands, it might come as a shock to discover that you can’t...

Dutch Quirk #28: Not tip (and not need to)

Picture this: you’re out enjoying an ice cold biertje with some vrienden, it’s time to pay, and...

Dutch Quirk #14: Drink a glass of milk with every meal

Whether it's delicious pannekoeken, uitsmijter, or stamppot you're eating, another hidden essential to a Dutch meal is...

Dutch Quirk #122: Serve gendered sprinkles when a baby is born

There are so many foody traditions when celebrating a child's birth. Some countries have rice pudding or...