HomeLiving in the Netherlands

Living in the Netherlands

Amsterdam to Berlin trains to run an hour faster and twice as often

There is an effort on both sides of the Dutch-German border to decrease the amount of travel...

Amsterdam and the world’s first condom shop: let’s talk about (safe) sex and Condomerie, baby!

When talking of sex — and the Dutch do that a lot! — one cannot ignore the...

Primary schools in the Netherlands: a guide for expat parents

Education in the Netherlands is considered to be of high quality, but negotiating the system can be...

Bee-ing happy: how the Netherlands keeps its buzz

Netherlanders are multilingual and multitalented. Apart from cycling through gale-force winds and finding the best goods worth...

Know your Dutch athletes: 5 names to impress natives (and get your sporting fix)

The Netherlands, like every country, has a string of god-like Dutch sporting legends. Want to impress Dutchies...

Should I enrol my child in a Dutch school? 6 factors to help you decide (from an expert)

There are many factors to consider when deciding whether to send your child to a Dutch school...

UK driver’s ham sandwich confiscated at Dutch border

The formalities of Brexit have led to some bewilderment at the Dutch border for UK citizens. The...

Do you like living in the Netherlands? Now you can share your voice

Living in the Netherlands is a tale of opposites. This tiny country ranks incredibly highly for work-life...