It’s the season to think about all the great New Year’s resolutions you’ll start once 2023 kicks off. But the tradition of waiting until January before getting yourself started has one important exception: Dutch health insurance.
In 2023, quite a few things will change when it comes to the costs and coverage of your Dutch health insurance. In other words, it’s a good idea to get up to speed on the details and make the necessary changes before it’s too late.
What’s the deal with Dutch health insurance?
For most people, health insurance is mandatory if you work and/or live in the Netherlands, and there are a bunch of different plans to pick from.
At first sight, the whole thing might look more expensive than what you could be used to back in your home country.
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However, those with a lower income can rest assured: health insurance can also be compensated by the Dutch government — so you won’t have to ruin yourself for the sake of your health.
It’s also not too complicated to keep track of your health insurance in the Netherlands, as long as you remember one thing: you can only change your plan once a year, and it needs to be done before December 31.
So before the clock strikes midnight and we can welcome 2023 with open arms, let’s get up to date on everything that’s changing in the Dutch healthcare system.
How much more expensive will my Dutch health insurance be in 2023?
In 2023, the average cost of Dutch health insurance will increase. And since there are about as many health insurance providers in the Netherlands as there are stars in the sky, there’s no one answer to the question of how much your insurance will cost next year.
But if you belong to the 85% of the Dutch population that use CZ, Zilveren Kruis, Menzis, or VGZ as their health insurance provider, your monthly premium bill for the basic healthcare package will cost the following in 2023:
- CZ: €128.30 (increase of €4.21 per month)
- Zilveren Kruis: €129.95 (increase of €8.27 per month)
- Menzis: €134.50 (increase of €10.83 per month)
- VGZ: €132.95 (increase of €9.12 per month)
If you’re wondering how much your current, or alternative, insurance will cost in 2023, you can easily compare Dutch health insurance premiums online, to get a good overview of the market.
Why will Dutch health insurance get more expensive in 2023?
There are a number of reasons why Dutch health insurance premiums will rise in 2023.
First of all, pretty much everything has been getting more expensive lately, so it’s no surprise that health insurance follows. The state of the global economy has, and will continue to, impact most people across the world — for better or worse.
Part of the equation is also the fact that workers in the Dutch healthcare sector are slowly but steadily getting higher wages. This is arguably a good thing. However, it does mean we’ll have to spend a bit more cash on our health services.
Another reason why healthcare is getting more expensive in the Netherlands is that the population is getting older. And to put it simply, more old people means more sick people. More sick people means more pressure on the healthcare sector, and more money is needed to run everything smoothly.
What else is changing in Dutch health insurance in 2023?
Your premium price is not the only thing that’ll change with your health insurance in 2023. Here’s the lowdown of everything else you should know before changing and updating your health insurance in the Netherlands before the new year.
Health care allowance (zorgtoeslag) goes up
If all this talk of increased premium prices made you shake in your broke boots, fear not. The Dutch healthcare system might be semi-private, but it won’t leave you to your own devices completely.
As everything else is getting more expensive, it’s only fair that the Dutch healthcare allowance also increases from next year on.
If you are legally living in the Netherlands and meet the income requirements in 2023, you’re probably eligible for considerable financial support from the Dutch government.
READ MORE | All you need to know about healthcare allowance in the Netherlands [2022]
In many cases, the healthcare allowance covers a large portion of the cost of basic health insurance in the Netherlands. In other words, the price increase shouldn’t hurt those who are eligible for the zorgtoeslag.
No more discounts on group health insurance
Until now, many Dutch employers have had the opportunity to offer their employees health insurance as a group at a discounted price.
However, from January 1, 2023, it will no longer be possible to take out collective health insurance in the Netherlands. As a result, those who currently benefit from a group discount on their health insurance will see their premium costs go up.
Deductible remains the same
If you’ve already spent some time looking up Dutch health insurance policies, the words eigen risico (own risk) have probably caught your eye.
Eigen risico, or “deductible”, is the maximum amount you’re responsible for paying once you need to make use of your health insurance. It’s what you’ll have to pay before your insurance kicks in.
Thankfully, not everything has to change just because we’re embarking on a new year. The Dutch government sets the deductible once a year, and in 2023 it’ll be the same as in 2022.
This means that for the basic health insurance package, everyone with Dutch health insurance has a mandatory deductible of €385. You can raise your deductible in exchange for lower monthly premiums if you are prepared to take a gamble on not needing the hospital or other care.
NIPTs will become free from April 1st
A non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT) checks whether a fetus has certain genetic conditions, primarily Down’s syndrome.
Until now, such tests have only been reimbursed if there is a medical basis for suspecting such conditions.
Now, however, we’ve got some good news for anxious soon-to-be parents: From April 1, 2023, NIPT will be free for all people with Dutch health insurance.
How can I change my Dutch health insurance for 2023?
Nothing brings to mind the topic of health insurance like endless amounts of Christmas food, chocolate, and slouchy TV time. It’s time to get your insurance straight, and start the new year on a safe, healthy note!
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If you’re currently questioning whether you should change your health insurance for 2023, it’s always a good first step to use an online calculation tool to compare the different offers. With all the changes happening this year, you might find it smart to swap.
The easiest way to switch health insurance providers is to simply take out a new insurance plan. Then, your old insurance will be cancelled automatically by your new insurance company. If you (for whatever reason) want to cancel your insurance yourself, you have until January 1 to do so.
Ready to start your new year with the best plan for you? Great. Make sure you get it done before the festivities take over, and you’ll be set to take on the new year!
What do you think of the Dutch health insurance system? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!